Monday, November 17, 2008

Answered Prayers

First, let me express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks, for all of your support, emails, thoughts, prayers and honesty.

As I stated before, this is not the first time that depression has affected my life, but the outcome will be different.

Jeremy is now on the road to recovery, with medication, therapy and a wonderful support system.

In less than a week I have seen big changes in not only him, but in our family. We have grown closer, talk more and do more activites together. Maybe this was a wake up call for all of us. We sometimes let life get in the way, as an excuse for our time restraints and lack of "family" time. No more, I say!!

Jeremy now wakes up every morning feeling more refreshed, more alert and happier to start his day. The doctor stated that the medication would work in three steps.
Right away it would help him to feel more alert and help him concentrate. After three weeks he would feel a "waking up and the clouds would feel lifted." After six to twelve weeks "life starts to be fun." She did state that it is not a "Happy Pill" and that he would have to be honest with all of us about how he is feeling so that we can regulate the medication, if need be. (Jeremy is a very good actor) I really think, as his mom, that he truly wants to feel better. I don't have to tell him to take his pill twice a day, he does this on his own.

Jeremy is a big writer and poet. I have decided to share with all of you some of his writings and poetry. Some of his writings are from times that he has been really down and I think writing is what saved him. At first, I wanted to analyze his writings, now I just want to enjoy them. I know that he will go on in life to be a great writer in some capacity.

After this post, I will be working on my Isla Reports. After all, we will be back to Isla in just over a month!!

So, here as a premier, is one of Jeremy's Poems. I hope you all enjoy.

By Jeremy Lamonica

My days as of late have been bitter-sweet,
Tomorrow I'm very afraid to meet.
Though my own life becomes better,
My Family's happiness grows lesser.
What sort of curse has been cast on me,
That could create such cruelty?
Why must such pain be put on them?
Why Can't I suffer instead of them?
Please, make me as a lightning rod,
Thrust into the storm.
Maybe then they won't be struck,
And instead I will be torn.
I don't care, whatever the cost,
I'll pay the price, if my life be lost.
Just make things better,,
Even if your price is me.
I would pay it a thousand times,
if only to stop their agony.
I beg of thee...
I beg of thee


Islagringo said...

wow. Powerful stuff. I bet it scared you when you first read it. So glad to hear that things are going better for all of you. Is he coming with you to Isla? Sunshine would do him good too. You should ask his doctor about one of those SAD lights for him.

CancunCanuck said...

So glad to hear that Jeremy is on the road to wellness. The love and support of his family are going to do wonders. Powerful poem, thank you for sharing. I think many creative people have issues with depression, and once it is recognized they can use their art to help them overcome. Best of luck and big hugs to you all.

Islaholic Trixie said...

Wayne...Jeremy is coming to Isla with us, along with his best friend. He is looking forward to doing a lot of diving with Biggy B. He does have a SAD light that actually comes on every morning like a sunrise by his bed.
Kelly....His poems and writings are all very powerful. Jeremy is facinated with The Romantic Period of writers. His doctor told him that many writers suffer from depression. I think that her knowledge of writers helped her to make a connection with Jeremy.

Isla Deb said...

I'm glad to hear things are getting better. The poem is very sobering and it's such a shame that someone so gifted and young has to suffer with this. It's such a wonderful thing that they have treatment for it now...and it sounds like you have a very good doctor. Isla will work its magic on him as well.

Steve Cotton said...

Brenda -- Thank you for sharing the poem with us. I think you are correct in not trying to analyze the poem. It is what it is -- just as Jeremy is who he is. But I am glad that he is feeling better. He is blessed that he has you as a mother to stand by him.

Jan C said...

Brenda, thank you so much for doing that update! I have been thinking of your family often. Wonderful news that Jeremy is on the right track, you definitely have done all the right things. And I think he really wants to feel good, a big step right there.
His poem is very powerful, amazing thoughts and words from a teenager.
Hugs mi amiga!

Laura said...

I'm so happy to hear Jeremy is doing better. His poem brought tears to me eyes, he is a gifted writer.
Best of luck to you guys,
hugs, Laura